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Monday, April 20, 2009

First day back from Spring-Break

The alarm went off at 5 a.m. I heard it. Sure. But did I wake up? No. I knew Tony had to get up and get ready for work but not me. I figured I'd hit the snooze and sleep another good 15 but I wake up eight minutes before it's time for him to leave! Tony takes all the kids to school now where they hop on the bus right from GRAND BUS CENTRAL STATION:) Tony hops on his and starts his route and the little kiddos get on theirs to hitch a ride to their school. So anyway, as I was saying, I had 8 minutes to get them ready. Luckily Corbin was moving. Didn't have to worry about him. Usually he is dead to the world. So I grab the clothes I laid out the night before and rip the covers off the girls and start dressing them while they are asleep. They have no idea what's going on since they are just barely waking up. I had them dressed. Their shoes were on (check) backpacks on (check) brush teeth (check) threw them out the door with stinky morning breath kisses and barely there hugs. They made it though. Safe and sound. Phew!

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