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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Corbinator chillin'


The swingset and clubhouse Tony and Corbin slaved over for a week and a half. The paint job is left for me! Yay! Coming soon... pics of the finished masterpieces!

Monday, April 20, 2009

First day back from Spring-Break

The alarm went off at 5 a.m. I heard it. Sure. But did I wake up? No. I knew Tony had to get up and get ready for work but not me. I figured I'd hit the snooze and sleep another good 15 but I wake up eight minutes before it's time for him to leave! Tony takes all the kids to school now where they hop on the bus right from GRAND BUS CENTRAL STATION:) Tony hops on his and starts his route and the little kiddos get on theirs to hitch a ride to their school. So anyway, as I was saying, I had 8 minutes to get them ready. Luckily Corbin was moving. Didn't have to worry about him. Usually he is dead to the world. So I grab the clothes I laid out the night before and rip the covers off the girls and start dressing them while they are asleep. They have no idea what's going on since they are just barely waking up. I had them dressed. Their shoes were on (check) backpacks on (check) brush teeth (check) threw them out the door with stinky morning breath kisses and barely there hugs. They made it though. Safe and sound. Phew!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter at the Youth Center

Kids had a great time. Corbin didnt want to go, guess he's too grown up now. Being that he'll be 14 and all in just 4 more days. Least he still gives kisses, hugs and I love you's. Hope that doesn't end with him turning 14.

The Playhouse Tony and Corbin built

This was the "mens" project. From beginning to end.It only took them 4 days to finish. I am now working on the paint job. Tony just built a swing set also in 2 days. All of this from wood being thrown away in the dump at the construction site. I'll have pics of the swing set soon, and the finished paint job.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quick Update

Things here in the South are booming! The clubhouse Tony and Corbin built is finished now they are adding a swing set to it! I get to paint it... YAYA! The kid went Easter egg hunting on post at the youth center and had a blast. Carly hopped in a sack and beat out all the other kids. I have some video coming but the chance I get to get on the computer is slim so next time I'll add it. She looked like she was flying in that burlap sack! Sam and Kate got their faces painted and kinda let all the other kids beat each other up over finding the eggs. IT amazed me how parents took off like heathans with their kids and practically grabbed up half the eggs for their kids. This was for the kids right? Crazy world I tell you. so many selfish people out there. Anyway, they had a great time then we went home and played scavenger hunt for their Easter baskets. Later on we had our own egg hunt and trust me, it was so cute to see how excited they were. Corbin didn't have to search because the girls all brought him like 10 eggs. It was so funny.
Tony is loving his job as a school bus driver/moniter for the handicapped children. He is so good at it, and I just fall in love with him all over again when I see that. We are currently planning a small wedding in Wilmington at Fort Fisher at the ocean on the 29th of Sept. It will be our 10 year wedding anniversary and I've always wanted to wear a wedding dress. I have lost 32 pounds now and I am just happy to finally feel healthier. I still smoke but hey, gotta have something for myself right? (excuses excuses). Right now it's Spring Break and we are planning our camping trip this week for our BACKYARD! Economy's got us staying home this year. But it will be fun regardless. Board games, campfire (yes we can do that in our back yard now) card games, football, baseball, we are excited. So the Corbinator turns 14 in 9 days. Can't believe it! He just wants some gift cards for clothes. This is the first year he doesn't have to wear school uniforms and he is so excited. He went from skater to preppy now. I would have never guessed. He still loves to read, and now he is reading the story of Audie Murphy, and one of Grandpa's favorite authors, (Cant' remember the guys name right now. Oh yea TOm Clancy.) So that's our update for now, and hope everyone is healthy and happy. Take care and wish we could send this awesome warm weather your way.

Auntie Terry, if read this, you are the best! The kids just are thrilled every time they get a postcard from you. We love you!