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Monday, May 27, 2013


No sleep for me tonight so why not get back to blogging. Weird how you read your own past posts and your like "Whoa"! Did I do that? Did I say that? Wow look how time has flown...it's been a year already? Kinda cool to look back and see how much changes in a year. More changes just recently! Moved to Wilmington, NC May 5, 2013. Ready for unlimited sunshine, southern hospitality, a gazillion places to eat...the beach of course and just whatever else comes my way. As for my kiddos, girls are growing and Corbin is already a senior in high school graduating June this year! Crazy! Feels like it was just yesterday when I was dressing him up in a million different outfits taking pics of his handsome little self. He's all grown and independant with a capital "I". 3 girls 13,12, and 8 and they couldn't be more different! It's blows my mind how different they are! Nature versus nurture? No it's both definitely! As for moi` I am still figuring out my path in life. I'm always trying my damndest to do the right thing. I love my life now....but there is def still one major thing hanging in my closet that no matter how much I try to push it away, pray it away, shove it as far back as I can....It will always be there. I'm just building up to the day when I have the guts to finish that last chapter of "change" to complete my life. Until then...I am still playing martyr and trying to just fit in to society's social roles for the sake of my babies. I'll keep this one short but can't wait to get back soon and record our lives. ~

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