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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Car wash

Girls had a car wash for the neighbors. Had so much fun taking pics I almost burned the house down!

Julia's Birthday

Attempted to make a soccer ball cake for my "adopted daughter" Julia. She turned a big "12" on the 9th of August. Happy Birthday Julia!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Girls Day Out

Don't mind the toothless grin on the old lady here. Just look at the fun Katie and I are having on our little girl's day out. We went to our favorite spot "Books A Million" and had coffee and hot cocoa. We picked out a few books and read them to each other and just talked girl talk. Katie is confused by my "crush" I have on Joe Jonas. The lead singer of the Jonas brothers for all those who live in the dark. She was upset and asked me if I love Daddy. I said yes why? She said because you like Joe Jonas and that means you don't love Daddy anymore. Well I couldn't explain the whole mid-life-crisis thing people go through... so I explained it too her like this: I think he is a cute teenie bopper and that I love his singing. Not him. So what's up with the crush on Joe? Who knows. Maybe it has something to do with having to watch Camp Rock at least 3 times a week now.